Here we have one of my absolute favourites. At the time when postcards were at their height, most overseas mail was coming in by ship. Vessels like RMS Titanic carried mail from England to North America and vice-versa, making it possible for people to keep in touch with relatives far away during a time before telephones and internet. Of course, if the vessel containing your postcard went
A Lovely Coastal Scene Postcard
Good day, everyone. I come to you bearing a very pretty postcard that I think you'll like. This is an antique from my collection, of course, and completely unrelated to the Camel & Rider Real Photo Postcard from several weeks back. There are lots of neat little details: the ships and boats sailing along what's likely the Nile River, the camels and riders greeting the two people walking
5 Free Vintage Envelopes
Old envelopes make for great digital vintage ephemera, especially if they've been used; there are stamps to cut out, fun borders, all sorts of fancy writing—lots of creative opportunities! I especially love old British air mail envelopes. Anyway, check out this week's batch of free vintage images. Although these two are going to the same person, their details differ enough to justify posting
Birch & Calla Lily Easter Card
One of my favourite postcards is from the early 1910s. The background looks like it's patterned off the birch trees of my hometown, and calla lilies are laid over it as if they belong there. It says, "Wishing you a happy Easter". Simple. Beautiful. It's from the first lot of postcards I ever purchased. I even removed the message so that it could be turned into a card for... pretty much
15 Religious Easter Images
Before we get too deep down the rabbit hole (in which there are no rabbits), I'd like you to take a close look at the below batch of Easter graphics and tell me what you notice. What shows up in 8/9 of them? If you said "white lilies", you're right! Calla Lilies are a versatile flower that are often seen alongside the Virgin Mary in illustrations depicting her. They're associated with
The Latest News From The Paper Girl
As I sit here catching up on whatever the heck I've been doing, I figure now is a great time to provide some updates on what's what here in The Paper Girl land. Places to Find Me You can now find me on Etsy and Ko-fi! Ko-fi is the platform I'm using for my writing. I have been using Ko-fi for years as a tip jar and participating in its growth, so I encourage creators and supporters alike to
3 Antique Cabinet Card Images
Cabinet cards are fascinating. They give us this glimpse of people as they were, in fashions of the time. There's a clarity to most examples that makes them difficult to look away from. I sometimes feel like I'm going to run into these people when I'm out in the world, even though they've (probably) been dead for a century. I love cabinet cards because of the details. I get to see what these
Camel & Rider Real Photo Postcard
I'm working on a long-form article about what postcards are used for, as well as a little bit of history on the development of postcards, so look forward to that Coming Soon. In the meantime, let's take a look at a neat real photo postcard from my collection. This is a colourized version of a postcard that was also released in black and white. It's number 82 in an Egyptian Types and Scenes
3 Early 1900s Cat Postcards
This blog is definitely pro-cat. They're neat. They're silly. They're frequently featured on old postcards and in vintage photos for the same reasons we put them in memes, videos, and random pictures—because people love their cats. Hell, I know I loved mine. I still do. Even once they're gone, you never, ever forget a beloved pet and I don't think they ever truly leave us behind. There's always
Vintage Transport Truck Photograph
Today's vintage image was found in a lot with several older photos, and is probably the most modern that I have in my collection. Look at the mountains in the background! They almost seem painted in. Cab-over trucks have always freaked me out a little bit, probably the idea of being on top of the engine just doesn't appeal. They have some character, sure, but not nearly as much normal
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