Some folks are likely wondering where the heck I went. I’m still around, but most of my time is tied up in a completely different project.
You see, mom and I started running a brick-and-mortar store back in 2020. There was a business partner, but she had other plans and buggered off—leaving us in the lurch. This shop is on a back street in a small town and I’m working on getting things together that we ought to have had back then, too.
Like street signage saying what we are. In-store promotional material, bag stuffers, that kinda thing. Looking at whether or not we can pull off a direct mail campaign.
I’ve also been getting treatment for ADHD since September 2023 and that has been something else. Trying to get the issues I’ve had (since 2019!) with shortness of breath during exertion dealt with, too, and I’m just starting to be taken seriously.
Dealing with the medical system is exhausting. The guy that diagnosed my ADHD was a pediatrician and bariatric doctor, so once he got my mood stabilized he was only concerned with my size despite my own concerns about my treatment. I still bounce between projects like a meth-addled squirrel and decision paralysis is actually worse. Oh, and, what impulse control? What’s that?
So I’m back to looking for someone else who can work with me on this. My GP is going to handle my Vyvanse prescription, at least.
I’m better than I was, but not ideal. I really don’t know if I could handle a normal job, even, which is also not ideal. My usual state is “running around in circles screaming”, but because it’s not the “hyperactive child” type of ADHD, I look pretty calm! Everything is weird and this has been my brain for years.
I am still working on things for this blog and website, it’s just had to move to side project status. Over the winter I’ll be busting my butt on the store’s blog, online store, and e-mail newsletter, so if any of that interests you, you can check it out at treasuresbythelocks.ca.
Maybe, eventually, we’ll be able to afford to change the name. 😀 That is A Story, too.
A proper newsletter will be forthcoming here, and the store is starting to take shape. The Paper Girl e-store will be digital products only—if you want to get your hands on vintage ephemera and smalls, you can do so at the Treasures by the Locks store or on my Etsy. More listings are going up on those sites, too, as I have so much material and not enough room.
In the meantime: I have drafts to tweak and get out there. Yay!
Ta-ta for now,

P.S. Consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my newsletter to help support the site. This is a passion project, and earnings from products, affiliates, etc. help me spend more time writing and editing.
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