Working hard? Hardly working? I think this vintage postcard does a good job of stating the obvious:
Same here. Same here.
Unfortunately for me, I’m not programmed to just ‘do nothing’, and my idea of working hard looks like ‘doing nothing’ to the people around me! Those of you that do similar work to mine know that feeling all too well, eh?
“What are you doing?”
“I’m working.”
“You’re just on the computer!”
Well, yes. That’s where my work is! Of course I’m on the computer. Look, see? I’m even writing a blog post! You’ll be able to read it in 10 minutes!
Ahem, anyway.
The above postcard came with the same batch that included the ol’ Oklahoma jackass, so there are a handful of other gems waiting in the wings to be revealed. It’s so simple! Sometimes simple is the best thing ever and gets our messages across without wasting too much time. Bold text on a bright colour is eye-catching enough without needing anything else to make somebody look.
In the past weeks I’ve been working on preparing a bunch more vintage graphics for the site, brainstorming what else to offer, and tweaking what my internet presence looks like. I’m spread so thin between Ko-fi, Etsy, here, and social media expectations that I’m starting to lose my mind! I’m also seriously considering going back to school for a proper career change. I just don’t know what. As tempting as getting a full Graphic Design education is, I just… don’t want to do that at a corporate level. Know what I mean? Doing creative stuff for other people full-time, stuff I don’t have much control over, is a great way to completely burn myself out.
I’m leaning toward accounting. I’m not terrible with numbers, I enjoy playing with them, and it’s different enough from the things I like to do for fun that I won’t burn out on it so quickly.
That doesn’t mean I’ll be giving this up any time soon! It might actually give me more time to work on it, if it gives me the means to start my life over again!
Anyway, what about you? What have you been working on?
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